Thursday, January 13, 2005

Our Wedding Day

I saw you on our wedding day.
You were dressed in white.
A casual smile drifted on and off your face.
You were beautiful.
And as I sat, and watched you dance on that floor,
I released all worries. I forgot all fears.
I saw you on our wedding day.
You had flowers tucked behind your ears.
You gave me that trade-marked wink,
and whispered in my ear.
I can't forget that image of you, smiling, and twirling in a cloud of white.
It's the photograph I keep in my mind,
when I need you most.
They didn't see you as I did,
when they found you in the rafters.
They saw the dress of white,
as I did, for the first time.
They saw you with the flowers, which had fallen out of your hair.
They saw you with a necklace made of rope, circled around your neck.
And I saw you, for the first time.
And you were real.
I still have your ring.
It's hidden, in a secret garden; in a secret world.
And I know you're waiting,
for that perfect day,
when I can be with you and we can say our vows.
I know you're waiting to catch a glimpse of me in my best.
I know I saw you, my bride, even when all the people were leaving,
and giving their sympathy and sorrow.
You were by my side, as always,
apologizing for the inconvienence,
of your untimely death.
And in your white dress,
you are waiting.
And so, in my best suit,
I will arrive.
Don't worry, sweet wife-to-be,
I will bring you the details that go along,
so we can finally have our wedding.
I will bring the minister, the best man, and the bride's maids.
I will bring the flower girls, the ring bearer, and the mother-in-laws.
I will bring the families, which sought to unite us.
And, then, we can be married,
you and I.
I see you now, my last vision, as I check the bullets.
I see your smile, as I place in the last one, saved for me.
I see you dance, and I walk out the door.
Wait just one more hour.
I never forgot that this was our wedding day, only years before.
I never forgot the way you smiled, as you hung in the air.
I'll never forget the sound the gun made when I pulled the final trigger and how the last petals fell, from the flowers you used to wear, up in your hair.


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