Monday, January 08, 2007

She turns towards the setting sun, "I lost you once." Her face is carved soap stone, the night seems to tremble with every word. Her fingers, once his to hold, dance around her hair and throw away shadows.
The ocean seems to stretch farther with each passing moment. The once placid blue has darkened and faces bulge from the waves, clawing at the air, fastening to the stars.
"I needed you then, too."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oceans away he stands with her at dawn.
Not realizing how long he has been gone.
The sun is now rising over his land.
Her fingers have been replaced with a Sword in his hand.
He tastes her tears from the oceans spray.
He remembers her taste as if it were just yesterday.
A message in a bottle has not yet arrived.
Only the salt of her tears that she has cried.
Will his tears make it back to her from last night?
He stares off into the horizon and then is guided by the Light.

7:55 PM  

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