Wednesday, June 01, 2005

And I always thought that you'd be worth,
a ghost of a dream,
slipped between the covers,
of satin and stone.
Somehow you crumbled
into my life and made me think
about the cracks.
And then you tore at the snags,
and whisked me away,
with you,
into torrent of icy sunshine.
I never wanted to be alive.
Without warning I began to crumble and falter,
my mind weary with haunting words,
and I saw the end to my sunshine,
and I wanted to just let go,
so I would be back where I belonged,
in the dark damp restings of hollow life.
Instead I forgave you for making me fall,
and I climbed back up to the cliff,
and jumped off again,
the sun warming my back,
as I dived into colder waters,
and found sanctity in your flaws.


Blogger RinAku said...

What a fool we are sometimes,eh? I was once. Maybe I still am.

This poem somehow describes the things I felt some time ago. How fool I was back then. But, I chose to think about the cracks and everything, so shouldn't regret it that much.

Love, no matter how much it has fooled me and made me drown, I still long for it.

Love this writing much!


10:32 AM  
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4:39 PM  

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